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                New energy vehicles prop up the IGBT for a day.

                Author:admin? ? ? Time:2020-07-06 07:58:48

                In the first half of this year, the raging epidemic also can not stop the semiconductor companies' enthusiasm for listing, "domestic chip aircraft carrier" SMIC's return is to detonate the domestic A-share market.
                On June 1st, SMIC's IPO application was accepted, and on July 16th it officially landed on the company's board listing, setting a record for the fastest listing on the board. SMIC's offering price of 27.46 yuan, the first day of the listing opened at 95 yuan, up 246%, the opening market value reached 703.2 billion yuan;
                In addition, SMIC's offering adopted a strategic placement, including the second phase of the National Grand Fund, Juyuan Core Star and a total of 29 investors involved, covering the central government investment funds, state-owned enterprises and overseas governments. Among them, Juyuan Core Star is a joint investment fund composed of 14 industrial chain enterprises, such as Shanghai Xinyang and China Micro.
                "Big Mac" SMIC listing heat has not faded, a few days later, the company board ushered in a hundred billion market value of AI chip unicorn Camibura. On July 20, Camcor ji officially landed on the board, offering a price of 64.39 yuan/share, listing opening price of 250 yuan/share, up about 288 percent, the total market value once exceeded 100 billion yuan, reached 101.625 billion yuan, the A-share market is boiling again.

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