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                ODM, OEM and EMS provide the most professional, reliable and comprehensive supporting services for electronic components!
                Hotline: 0755-86541461

                About us

                ABOUT US

                Company profile

                Shenzhen Jia Yu Electronics Co.,Ltd was established in 2013.It is one of the famous electronic enterprises in China. After years of development, After years of development, it has established a good corporate brand image in the minds of the majority of electronic enterprises and electronic application engineers, and its industry status has also been unanimously recognized by electronic component manufacturers.It’s a one-stop service provider specializing in franchised sales, distribution sales, design and solution of electronic components, supporting global ODMs, OEMs and EMS with professional, reliable and comprehensive service.Our headquarters is located in the high-tech park which is known as “China Silicon Valley”. As a well-known distributor in south China, our company received customer recognition in China, Asia and Europe, etc. Our product applications include consumer electronics, computer peripherals, security monitoring, instrument and apparatus, industrial automation and control, automotive, medical and aerospace industries and other fields.

                Company owns original advantage distribution channels, it has been franchised by many brands such as TI, ST, NXP, AVAGO, ADI, Meanwhile,we are the agency of HDSD ,RUNIC ,ORIENTAL SEMI , etc. Our products are widely used in industrial equipment, new energy, automotive electronics, instrument and apparatus, smart home, camera module, fingerprint module, television and display, high-end power supply, medical industry and other electronic fields

                We have a young, passionate, energetic and ambitious team. Facing this high-tech age, we are always based on “Profession, Integrity, Foresight, Innovation, Win-Win” core values, will continue to focus on the electronic market with a product-oriented and service-oriented management idea, provide the top-class product and service for global markets, through high-level cooperation to achieve common development and share succession.