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                ODM, OEM and EMS provide the most professional, reliable and comprehensive supporting services for electronic components!
                Hotline: 0755-86541461


                Huada semiconductor

                Huada semiconductor co., LTD. Is a professional sub-group formed by China electronic information industry group co., LTD. (CEC) through the integration of its integrated circuit enterprises. It was registered in Zhangjiagang hi-tech park on May 8, 2014, with a registered capital of 3.975 billion yuan. It owns 16 subsidiaries, including three listed companies, with a total asset of more than 10 billion yuan. Covering the whole industrial chain of integrated circuit design, manufacturing, sealing and testing and application, the company has been ranked among the top ten integrated circuit design enterprises in China for many years. The main products include: MCU, FPGA, power and drive chip, smart card and security chip, power management chip, new display chip, etc.

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