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                ODM, OEM and EMS provide the most professional, reliable and comprehensive supporting services for electronic components!
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                SIMCom Wireless Solutions Limited

                SIMCom Wireless Solutions Limited is global leading Machine-to-Machine (M2M) wireless modules and solutions supplier, Since established in 2002, SIMCom has been fully committed to provide a variety of wireless technology platform modules and terminal level solutions around the world, such as 5G, C-V2X, LPWA, LTE-A, Smart Module, LTE, WCDMA/HSPA(+), GSM/GPRS and GNSS Modules. SIMCom launched the world's first 5G module SIM8200EA-M2 series in 2019 and passed the real network signal test. SIMCom will continue to develop in the 5G field from four aspects, i.e. product quality, cost, service and innovation

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