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                ODM, OEM and EMS provide the most professional, reliable and comprehensive supporting services for electronic components!
                Hotline: 0755-86541461


                JieJie Microelectronics (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd.

                JieJie Microelectronics (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd. (a.k.a. JJMSH?) is a subsidiary company of Jiangsu JieJie Microelectronics Co., Ltd. JJMSH is headquartered at the Lingang Special Area of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. The core management & engineering team of JJMSH comprises of seasoned veterans from many world-renowned power semiconductor companies. JJMSH is committed to the design & development of leading-edge power semiconductor devices as well as their sales & marketing, testing, qualification and application support. Of the more than twenty-two patents (invention & application categories) applied, eight had been granted. At record-breaking pace, JJMSH has released many advanced SGT MOSFETs (30 ~ 150V) based on the patented JSFET? platform. Combined with the latest assembly technology, many of these SGT MOSFETs offer class-leading performance in key matrices like RDS(ON) / Qg / Ciss / Coss / Qrr / Trr / package thermal characteristics, etc. to match liked devices from the international tier-1 semiconductor vendors. Our SGT MOSFETs are already widely adopted by well-known OEMs & ODMs in commercially available end-products like USB PD fast charger, motor driving, lithium-ion protection and battery-management system (BMS), computer and peripheral, telecommunication exchange, wireless communication base station, etc.

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